Having a blast getting to know everyone!
Well first off, the people here are really easy to get to know there so friendly and the meals are really good. I feel like I am getting to know part of the youth group a lot better.
The work that we are doing feels like we are helping the people out a lot. They have a lot of dishes and it seems like we taken a load off there shoulders with helping out with the dishes and like the miscellaneous jobs.
There having a back to school thing where they give the kids backpacks with toothbrushes and soap and and other things kids need for back to school. So we were able to help with loading all the toothpaste/toothbrushes and other things. It’s been really awesome to get to know Frank, Adam and Kishane better. They are really good guys to get to know.
I have had a lot of fun so far.
Looking forward to seeing you guys soon!
Joshua D. Wolcott
