Wimauma Missions Trip

On July 27th, 2009 BASH Students and a few other will be going on a trip to Wimauma, FL to minister to the children of the migrant workers. We will be documenting what we did down there through this blog. Feel free to comment and let us know your thoughts as we blog this whole missions trip. Thanks!

-Frank Gil
Youth Intern

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    Greetings Bash from Quebec Canada. It was cool to read about your activities and I am joining in prayer for you. Interesting to note that here in Quebec, many of the founding fathers were strong men of faith, including one noteable gentleman named François-Xavier de Montmorency-Laval. We know that Christianity has faded from France, like all of Europe. Your generation has a chance to stop this from happening in the US. Press on.

    July 29, 2009 at 5:20 AM
