We’re three days in and things are off to a tremendous start!
Thank you all for checking in with us every day. We are so blessed to have these opportunities to serve the staff, children, and friends of Good Samaritan Mission. We all look forward to returning home with stories of how God is working among us and within Wimauma.
We’re three days in and things are off to a tremendous start!
We were put to work as soon as we stepped off the bus Monday and everyone took it with grace and humility. I have been so impressed so far by the group’s flexibility rooted in a genuine willingness to serve wherever they can.
Tuesday was a little more exciting with lines of Wimauma families eagerly awaiting weekly food baskets filled with fresh bread, rice, beans, lettuce, meat, and an occasional box of caramel corn. Petra, Mandy, and Kristen had an opportunity to develop teaching and tutoring skills with three children who needed help with some Math and English skills. The boys were up to their ears in 3 week old trash and took it like troupers, with a humble and meek spirit. At the end of the day a trip to a local skating rink allowed everyone to unwind a little, but proved to be just as much as a exercise in humility and endurance for some of us.....ahem...and i have the bruises to prove it. <:/
Today things have mellowed out. We have gotten to know and build relationships with many of the VBS 4 and 5 year olds. We have our kitchen routine down after every meal and are even starting to adjust to the early morning wake up calls. Today the whole group pitched in to fill 4 garden frames half way with sand and tomorrow we plan to top them off with good soil. The mission is going to use this as an opportunity to teach people how to plant and sustain there own organic garden.
Our most recent project has involved 500 bars of soap 800 bottles of shampoo and conditioner and other various hygiene items. We are packing bags with toiletries to give away with the hundreds of backpacks, pencils, and other necessary school supplies needed by the local large families this fall. The back to school project is huge this year and we are glad we could provide some much needed help this week.
The sun is hot, the work is tedious, and energy is beginning to wear thin. But we are not losing our momentum! We are constantly thinking of new ways to reach the Mission kids and are taking every opportunity to encourage the staff around us. Tonight over 80 flyers for the movie night were passed out and we cannot wait for Friday to arrive as the suspense builds!
Thank you all for your prayers!
In Him,
